What exactly is feeding tube insertion (PEG)?
Feeding tube insertion, sometimes called percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), is a method by which your doctor positions a feeding tube to lead directly into the stomach. The tube permits fluids, nutrition, and medication to bypass the mouth, allowing a patient to be fed or medicated when swallowing food normally is not an option. This treatment could be particularly relevant if an individual has a difficult time swallowing or another obstacle that stops them from getting sufficient nutrition by mouth. If you or a loved one has subsequent questions or concerns about PEG in Houston, TX, it is best to consult with a highly trained gastroenterologist. Please request a consultation at Gastroenterology Consultants to find out more about this process.
Who is a candidates for feeding tube insertion (PEG)?
PEG is generally intended for individuals who find themselves unable to get enough nutrition by mouth — for example, people who have dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). In some instances a patient might only necessitate the use of a feeding tube for a short period of time, though in some cases the patient will need a feeding tube for the duration of their lives. The duration of use for a feeding tube depends on the precipitating factor for the condition. The tube itself will need to be replaced regularly to prevent clogging or deterioration. A patient with a feeding tube may or may not be able to consume liquids or foods by mouth, depending on why they need a feeding tube in the first place. If the tube was placed to help with difficulty swallowing (as is sometimes the case in stroke patients), then you will likely have to limit your oral consumption. It is vital to communicate with your Gastroenterology Consultants GI health provider to discuss the specifics of your case.
Is feeding tube insertion (PEG) safe?
PEG is a standard procedure, but just like with any other medical treatment, it can come with risks. Some examples of the risks associated with feeding tube insertion include pain surrounding the tube insertion site, dislodgment of the feeding tube, and bleeding. Speak with your doctor regarding any concerns you might have or any risks that could be heightened for you. It is vital to have a conversation about all of the benefits as well as risks of this procedure with your Houston, TX gastroenterology specialist prior to having the feeding tube placed.