March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS)

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is an issue that largely occurs in younger children but has the potential to develop at any stage of life. This condition involves recurrent vomiting, or cycles of vomiting, and there may be periods between these “cycles” in which you are totally symptom-free. While in the midst of a vomiting cycle, you could experience intense vomiting that might recur anywhere between six and 20 times before ceasing. Cyclic vomiting syndrome in Houston, TX could impact as much as 2% of school-aged children and can be challenging to diagnose due to the connection of vomiting to a multitude of other GI situations. The condition might be incorrectly identified as a stomach bug or foodborne illness. If you or your child are experiencing vomiting that you think is related to CVS, connect with Gastroenterology Consultants today.

Vomiting spells caused by cyclic vomiting syndrome tend to share similarities, including their severity, the time of day when they occur, their duration, and the symptoms that manifest. Most sufferers report having the following symptoms:

  • Paleness or pallor (87%)
  • Pain in the abdomen (80%)
  • Diarrhea (36%)
  • Excessive urge to sleep or exhaustion (91%)
  • Fever that comes and goes (29%)
  • Pain in the head (40%)

Once the vomiting cycle has stopped, the person may be fatigued and have to sleep. After sleeping, the patient may be returned back to typical health and want to eat and return to everyday activities.

It is often very hard to specify the root cause of cyclic vomiting syndrome. Vomiting is a fairly typical symptom of various gastrointestinal conditions, and cyclic vomiting syndrome, specifically, can have many different factors that may be a part of its root cause.

CVS may be precipitated by individual behaviors, external influences, bodily imbalances, emotional health, or internal changes. Specific episodes of cyclic vomiting syndrome could be instigated by situations such as:

  • Emotional stress or excitement
  • Overeating
  • Illness, such as colds
  • Motion-induced nausea
  • Menstruation
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Allergic responses or sinus problems
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Consumption of specific foods — for example, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, or cheese
  • Hot temperatures

If you feel your suffering is triggered by any of the above or you desire help specifying your triggers, contact Gastroenterology Consultants.

Standard treatments for CVS focus on three primary goals:

  1. Put a stop to the vomiting attack: Attempt to halt an episode that has already started
  2. Rescue therapy: Attempt to keep the patient as comfortable as possible in the event that the episode can’t be stopped
  3. Prophylactic medication: As a way to prevent future attacks

The approach to care may vary among individuals and different instances of CVS. It is advised that you speak with your doctor in regard to the optimal treatment possibilities for you or your child.

Are there any complications associated with CVS?

Side effects of untreated cyclic vomiting syndrome might include:

  • Malnutrition
  • Damage to tooth enamel from stomach acid entering the mouth via vomit
  • Damage to the esophagus, the main food pipe connecting the mouth to the stomach
  • Dehydration

Should your child or you suffer from signs or symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome, it’s imperative to receive assistance from our Houston, TX gastroenterology providers at your earliest convenience.

If you or your child has been affected by troubling digestive symptoms like the ones listed above, then cyclic vomiting syndrome may be responsible. The side effects of CVS may put your overall health at serious risk, and immediate care might be required to protect your health. If you need experienced treatment and state-of-the-art treatments for cyclic vomiting syndrome in Houston, TX, our providers are ready to help. Call Gastroenterology Consultants to coordinate a consultation with one of our skilled gastrointestinal specialists.

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